mardi 25 mars 2014

Two Bunnies In Love


As you can see, French bands always have amazing names!

Before anything, let's hear one song from them. Let's enjoy one of the few french bands that is worthing the name "Band" with capital B :


NOW. What do you think ? Awful? Great? Nice? Amazing? The-Most-Perfect-Thing-You've-Ever-Heard? Yes please.
So, they won a contest in France name Ricard SA Live Music, and now they are touring across France with two others bands (Stuck In The Sound and Les Petits Fils de Jack*). Tickets for Paris, Lille and Bordeaux shows are SOLD OUT. There are still a few tickets left for Le Havre, next thursday, though, where I'll be!

Their sound is the mix between pop british music (Hello, The Beatles), but some of their songs sound more like The Clash's style. So different styles that mix up quite well, as you can hear!

* Les petits fils de Jack= Jack's grandsons.

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