dimanche 31 mai 2015

That particular song that resume my life

Today is one of those days when you remember your life, your adventures, whether they were good or bad, and what helped you getting through those particular times. I have so many regrets I can't even count, and I have some troubles going forward. I'm at a time in my life where I'm so lost that I have no idea what's next for me, not even tomorrow. And I'm scared.

As many of you I guess, if there's one thing that can make me feel better, it is music. So I was trying to remember if there was one specific song that I listened to in bad times, and good times. I thought I would have a hard time finding out, as there are so many treasures in the world, but I found it right away. I didn't even have the time to think, because it came to my mind in a matter of seconds.

I realised that I don't even listen to this song everyday. Like, at all. It's just there when I need it, just in case I would need a friend, a shoulder to cry, or someone to jump with. I remember listening to it on repeat all day when I was in Brighton at 14, alone in a huge city, where I didn't speak english fluently, and where I obviously had trouble being understood. I felt lost, I had no one to talk to because no one could understand me. I remember this song lifting my mood up. I remember smiling to it, I remember enjoying my time in England thanks to that song, lying on the beach, next to the piers. I remember putting that song automatically when I felt very happy or very sad. It has been here all my teenage life, and still today.

My #songtoliftmymood is :

Nada Surf - I Like What You Say

I've always loved Nada Surf, this is the kind of love that never fades away, you know? Like my love for Harry Potter. Same lovc, no end.

We all have one, maybe two songs that go straight to our heart at some point. That are always here, in our ears, in our mind, in our hearts, in our life. This song is special to me.

Which song(s) is/are special to you ?

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